Korea University Graduate School Counseling Program



  • School Adjustment

    연구 정보 | 학교상담과 학교적응
    No Title Writer Views Date
    43 Teacher and peer relationships and life satisfaction: Mediating the role of student resilience in South Korean elementary schools 관리자 53 2023.06.23
    42 Burned-out classroom climate, intrinsic motivation, and academic engagement: Exploring unresolved issues in job demand-resource model 관리자 50 2023.06.23
    41 Is autonomy-supportive parenting universally beneficial? Combined effect of socially prescribed perfectionism and parental autonomy support on stress in emergin 관리자 48 2023.06.22
    40 The effects of psychological maladjustments on predicting developmental trajectories of academic burnout 관리자 144 2023.02.25
    39 Relationships between social support and student burnout: A meta-analytic approach 관리자 55 2023.02.25
    38 Resilient college students in school-to-work transition 관리자 57 2023.02.25
    37 The impact of student success skills on students’ metacognitive functioning in a naturalistic school setting 관리자 56 2023.02.25
    36 Suppressor effects of positive and negative religious coping on academic burnout among Korean middle school students 관리자 56 2023.02.25
    35 The mediating effect of motivational types in the relationship between perfectionism and academic burnout 관리자 57 2023.02.25
    34 Development and factor analysis of the protective factors index: A report card section related to the work of school counselors 관리자 56 2023.02.25